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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, English professor Paul Graham '99 has emphasized the importance of creative expression and community support in moments of uncertainty.

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Following the release of New York State guidelines for reopening colleges and universities, more details on St. Lawrence's plan for the 2020-21 academic year are now available.

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Interactive virtual experiences, like augmented reality, offer St. Lawrence students immersive learning opportunities to explore history, current events, and the world.

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St. Lawrence's spring magazine shared stories about remote transitions, augmented realities, and reimagining connections during uncertain times.


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Hana Bushara '21 and Liv Hart '20, the Laurentian duo that sang "Holiday in the North Country," have reunited to share another original song! Hana, who has remained on campus since the beginning of the COVID-19  pandemic, wrote the song during the Spring 2020 semester as a way to explore new songwriting styles she wanted to try. She helped with the piano compilation, as did Harlow Punderson '22 and Director of Music Ensembles Barry Torres.