
CBS Money Watch offer’s Jane Bryant Quinn “10 Steps” for saving your assets in a divorce settlement. Jane Bryant Quinn writes (excerpt): 10. Put $$$ in your pocket by avoiding a battle with your spouse. In hard times, divorcing couples…


ABA Book Briefs Blog features a divorce mediation excerpt from the book “Collaborative Law: Achieving Effective Resolution in Divorce without Litigation,” Second Edition by Pauline H. Tesler (excerpt): If a collaborative case runs into problems, a “meta-mediator” can help everyone…

Divorce Grand Rapids

The Sarnacki Law Firm is respected for its honest advice, creative solutions and effective advocacy. The two key components for the firm’s success are: * Legal Ability: our expertise, the nature of our practice and our specialized qualifications. * Standards…


The Wall Street Journal shows the benefits of divorce mediation, leapfrogging from the news that Robin Williams and his wife, Marcia Garces Williams, were divorcing. Stephanie Coontz writes (excerpt): There is ample evidence that we can increase the incidence of…