
Simply complete our questionnaire and agreement to get started.

Start with the smallest plan that you think you’ll need, we can always adjust your plan later on. We will get to work on your set up, and before you know it, you will have a Dedicated Office Staff. Get ready to enjoy the benefits of full time employees, without the headaches or expense!

What is Your First Name?
What is Your Last Name?
What is the Name of Your Business?
Please Enter Your Email
Please Enter Your Phone Number
Enter Your Website
Please tell us about your business, what services or products do you offer?
What are your days and hours of operation?
Is it okay to give this address to callers?
Is this also your mailing address?
Tell us about the phone numbers that will be used to reach you.
我有一台搬瓦工的centOS主机,能够干点什么呢? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-12-12 · 我来整理下都能干什么: 1.SS 2.博客,这个做的最多。Cheshirex - Cheshire 3.做自己的网盘 柴郡猫 - cheshirex4.免费下载音乐。MKOnlinePlayer v2.4 5.自用导航站。柴郡猫 6.自用视频站。
Will you publish a number we give you?
Do you need a toll-free number?
Do you need a local number in your area code?
If so, which area code
Who are the main contacts associated with this account? (Please include their name, title, email, work number, and mobile number & carrier.)
Who should we be familiar with? (VIP Clients, Vendors, Etc)
Please share access information for your CRM, Calendar, Etc. We will review protocol during training. Include web addresses, usernames and passwords.
Will DOS place orders for you?
Will DOS schedule appointments for you?
Will DOS open and manage tickets for you?
Will DOS Manage other things for you?
Explain what other issues you want us to manage below:

Monday - Friday: 6:00 AM – 8:00pm CST

Saturday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM CST

CentOS7 使用 kubeadm 搭建 k8s 集群 - 迷惘的羔羊2021 ...:2021-6-19 · 若Shadowsock客户端已正常运行,则结果如下: { "origin": "x.x.x.x" #你的Shadowsock服务器IP } 三 安装配置Privoxy 1.安装Privoxy yum -y install privoxy systemctl enable privoxy systemctl start privoxy systemctl status privoxy 2.配置Privoxy 1.修改配置文件

Do you want a voicemail with a custom greeting and messages emailed as a .wav file?
Centos 7 搭建 Shadowsocks 配置 iptables 规则 - MicronBot:2021-3-31 · 写在前面最近心血来潮,弄了一个VPS来玩,顺便学习一下Linux。玩VPS第一个想到的事就是搭梯子科学上网。这里搭的第一个梯子,就是Shadowsocks。因为安装和配置都很方便,也是当前比较 …
What greeting would you like our agents to use when answering your calls?
Please choose all that apply for your answering service.
I would like Dedicated Office to:
在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式 | TY ...:2021-6-13 · 客户端 安卓 birfrostV 推荐这个,v2rayNG对于很多国内的网址,还是会走代理 v2rayNG Windows 以下两个都需要下载 v2ray-core ,点击链接,到github上选择自己的平台版本即可 v2rayN 点击链接,下载里面的v2rayN.zip即可 v2rayW 下载压缩包即可,这个程序会主动帮助下载 v2ray-core 所以更方便点,界面也比 v2rayN 看着舒服
Take messages for all calls, but patch emergency calls to me.
Answer questions about product(s) and service(s).
Place customer orders (Please provide website(s) on question #7)
Schedule appointments. (Provide log in criteria on question #7)
Want us to qualify Leads?
Complete a form I provide
Additional details:
What information would you like us to collect from callers? (For example: name, phone number, availability, question or issue, etc.)
Would you like us to record a general voicemail for after hours, or do you have a preferred voicemail script you would like us to use?
If general, the voicemail would be similar to this: Thank you for calling (company name), you have reached us after hours! Our normal business hours are (company hours). Please leave a detailed message including your name, phone number and the reason for your call, and your call will be returned during normal business hours. Thank you for calling and have a great day!
Do you have a preferred voicemail script?
Preferred Voicemail Script

By submitting this form, I acknowledge and agree to the privacy policy and terms and conditions. I consent to transaction communications, to allow my information to be shared with lending partners, and to receive calls, text messages, and/or emails from Dedicated Office Solutions or its affiliates at the phone number or email address provided. Consent is not a condition of service, and you may choose to contact us directly.



Woman-Owned & Operated

Proudly Serving You from Dallas, TX


CentOS、Debian下搭建shadowsocks-libev服务端-linux服务 ...:2021-2-22 · shadowsocks是近两年才发展起来的轻量级的socks5代理软件,相较于传统的ssh,shadowsocks速度更快。我在buyvm里搭建了一下,然后在本地8M电信单线程下载YouTube视频,下图所示:电信8M几乎跑满,比ssh快

Dedicated Office is the only way to quickly add teams of trained professionals to qualify leads, schedule appointments, process orders, explain products and services, relay messages, and more.




Our Dedicated Team will represent themselves as your company – no one will know that you’re using an answering service! We will relay messages, qualify leads, process orders, schedule appointments and more.



Our Dedicated Team will represent themselves as your company – no one will know that you’re using an answering service! We will relay messages, qualify leads, process orders, schedule appointments and more.


One of the strongest benefits of outsourcing with Dedicated Office is that appointments are both set and updated in real time using any service you’d like including Google calendars or your own proprietary software.


We’ll work with any CRM you have to enter new leads, update existing leads and ensure there’s a record for every quality call you receive. Our experience with CRM’s, including law firm specific and the most popular names, are second to none.


All our virtual receptionists have the experience to go into any backend order-system, shopping cart or database and do anything from place orders to enter support tickets to tracking orders.


Marketing dollars are only as good as the person answering the phone. Leverage your marketing efforts by having a dedicated team promptly following up on your leads via SMS Text and Outbound Calls.


Our staff will call your leads to schedule appointments and re-engage them to order more services. We can call clients to confirm appointments, re-schedule missed appointments and offer additional products and services.


We are committed to staying current with the most relevant information for your business. Your team leader will reach to quarterly to ensure our performance is meeting and exceeding your standards to best serve your customers.


There is no time to waste when you’re spending money marketing on social media. Our staff will monitor your lead forms and call or text promptly to ensure that we can convert your leads into sales in as real-time as possible.



Dedicated Office virtual receptionists are all committed to achieving excellence in their role on behalf of you the client. Our path to excellence comes from strict adherence to these three tenets: LEARN, GROW, SERVE.

Your Team of Dedicated Virtual Receptionists are constantly learning to understand your business and processes. It starts with our onboarding questionnaire, then continues through the training phase when we start grasping your processes and goals. Then, we learn with each and every call understanding your business in and out just like you do so we can provide the best possible service to your customers.

The relationship between your Dedicated Office Team is a journey, not a destination. We are constantly looking for ways to expand our ability to serve you and your clients. Hand-holding is not necessary. After the initial training period, please don’t expect us to settle with the status quo. Expect to be impressed!

Serving our clients. It is at the core of everything we do here at Dedicated Office Solutions. How do we serve our clients? Simple. By serving their clients and customers with everything we’ve got. Don’t be surprised if your clients regularly tell you how much they love your “new staff members.” That’s our goal after all.


We provide our reception, sales and scheduling teams to three primary sectors: Home Services, Professional Services and Online Retail/E-Commerce. Click below to learn more.




在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式 ...:2021-8-6 · 近期shadowsock的存活周期越来越短了,具体什么原因,咱也不知道,咱也不敢问,咱只能选择另一种更加科学的上网方式了 ... 以上就是对在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式的相关介绍,希望对您学习centos,linux,shadowsocks有所帮助 ...

This is an amazing service!

This is an amazing service! I highly recommend it and the company. People who know me call and ask “when did you hire new people” or they’ll say something like “tell Sergio I was only kidding when I….” All because… Read morecentos搭建shadowsock-云海天教程:2021-6-6 · Shadowsocks服务端搭建 服务端搭建的前提是你已经成功使用SecureCRT或putty或者xshell连接服务器,接下来的工作就是按照下面的步骤依次执行: 1.环境安装与更新 这一步,你需要做的是依次执行下面的每条命令: yu...

Absolute Events

CentOS安装shadowsock与优化 - 简书:安装 shadowsock 创建配置文件 详细配置 启动 停止 以root方式运行可能会有一些安全问题。所以一般都是使用普通用户运行 设置开机启动 查看版本 优化 提高最大连...

Hallo everybody! I am writing to let you all know how impressed I am by the service. Professionalism, courtesy, efficiency… it’s a dream. I also asked my clients about the interaction with “my people” and not one said anything less… Read more “Professionalism, courtesy, efficiency… it’s a dream.”

Stefania M, Owner
Stef’s Therapeutic Bodywork

Thank you Adi.

Adi and all her staff are professionals that are not content to just provide you with someone to answer your phone but instead continue to work at providing a level of service that exceeds the service they gave to you… Read more “Thank you Adi.”

Erik S.
Extended Horizons Scuba


What an amazing company lead by 1 fantastic person, Adi Campuzano. If you are looking for an office solution then you have found the only one that makes sense in my book. Adi and her team are dedicated to giving… Read more “What an amazing company”



Dedicated office solutions is a remarkable service that I have been using for the past 6 years. The customer service reps are professional and are trained to know your account. I would recommend this service to anyone that needs a… Read morelinux安装shadowsock

Angela A.

I highly recommend them

I have used this company for a few years and the service is excellent. I wish more companies offering these services had their staff trained with the same care, compassion and professionalism as Dedicated Office. I highly recommend them. I… Read more “I highly recommend them”

Amanda K
Baby Envision 4D Ultrasounds

We count on Dedicated Office

When we’re busy saving lives at FASTEX AED, we can count on the professional team at Dedicated Office Services to answer calls and provide quality service to our customers.

Fran R

Sales are up and I owe it to dedicated office!

Dedicated office is more than amazing. They’ve helped improve my business tremendously. My customers cannot stop saying good things about their service. Sales are up and i owe it to dedicated office! Thanks guys…

Giovanni Y.

Our own personal Johnny on the spots!

CentOS7 搭建 ShadowSocks 丨 RAIN MAN:博主是程序猿?博主是工程狮? 真的都不是,其实我是一名仓管~


I couldn’t run my multi-million dollar company without them

Dedicated is Awesome. I couldn’t run my multi-million dollar company without them. They play good pretend, like they are there in the office with me. They are dedicated to learning my business, my products and my customers needs. They are… Read moreCentOS7 配置SOCKS5代理服务_Clew123的博客-CSDN博客:2021-7-10 · CentOS7配置SOCKS5服务器ss5嫌啰嗦的拉到最下,有干货。 安装ss5 首先,你需要一台服务器,这个没有什么现在,不过本文适用于CentOS 7.2 64位操作系统。 连接你的服务器:

Katie H.
Celebration Saunas

Everyone ALWAYS goes above and beyond

What would I do without everyone at DOS? I can tell you, DROWN!
Thank you so much, you and everyone ALWAYS go above and beyond with the eager to please attitude! It is a real quality company over there.

Foundation Repair Company in N. Dallas
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