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  • Homer statue in front of Old Cabell

    Welcome to the Department of Classics at the University of Virginia. The Department has been educating students in Greek and Latin language, literature, and culture since the University was founded. Located in Cocke Hall on the historic Lawn, the Department is home to an internationally renowned faculty and a strong and varied group of graduate students and undergraduate majors.

  • Dissecting Cultural Pluralism Lab


    Religion and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean

  • Cocke Hall at night

    Welcome to the Department of Classics at the University of Virginia. The Department has been educating students in Greek and Latin language, literature, and culture since the University was founded. Located in Cocke Hall on the historic Lawn, the Department is home to an internationally renowned faculty and a strong and varied group of graduate students and undergraduate majors.

  • Amphitheatre

    Welcome to the Department of Classics at the University of Virginia. The Department has been educating students in Greek and Latin language, literature, and culture since the University was founded. Located in Cocke Hall on the historic Lawn, the Department is home to an internationally renowned faculty and a strong and varied group of graduate students and undergraduate majors.

  • Classics library

    Welcome to the Department of Classics!



Courses and programs offered at the University of Virginia


Department newsletter, 2019-20 Edition

