
The New York Real Estate Summit Spring 2020 is coming to Westchester County on Tuesday, May 12th, at Mulino’s at Lake Isle located in Eastchester, NY, for a day-long event.

Take advantage of this rare opportunity to continue your professional education, network, and to share ideas and to cultivate new business and professional relationships. You’ll find new ways to maximize your exposure as a real estate professional and to advance your personal or business brand.

- Earn 7.5 CE credits for attending the NY RE Summit, provided by the Charter Real Estate School.

- Enjoy a day filled with keynote speakers, coaches, mentors, and influencers.

- Learn ways to take your business to the next level with ideas that drive results and ROI!

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From idea to execution, Real Estate Summit Spring 2020 will expertly cover each aspect of the changing landscape of the real estate industry. Our event will successfully deliver valuable content via speakers and fireside chats from experts in the field.   

Prepare for New York Real Estate Summit 2020 to provide you with a platform for expanding your network and learning the latest trends and technologies while connecting with other like-minded real estate professionals. 



Whether you’re looking to expanding your network of colleagues in your respective field, plan to attend this unique event. Create new opportunities while promoting your business or personal brand.

We’re creating a memorable event experience for you as our guests. New York Real Estate Summit Spring 2020 is designed to develop awareness, increase opportunities, and to educate all while bringing people together. 



As a real estate professional, seize the opportunity to gain 7.5 CE credits for free from the accredited Charter Real Estate School for registering to attend New York Real Estate Summit Spring 2020.

Spend the day earning these credits while listening and learning the latest trends and innovations from leaders in the real estate industry. Hurry register today!



Gary Malin


Bess Freedman


Scott Durkin


Stefani Berkin

Stacee Mandeville

Kevin Wood


Maria Babaev

Roberto Blake


  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

    Exhibitor Setup | Registration | Networking Breakfast

  • 永久免费外网加速器

    9:00 AM – 9:15 AM

    Opening Remarks

  • 9:15 AM – 10:00 AM




General Admission


March 16th - May 11th
  • Conference Ticket
  • Networking Sessions
  • Learning Sessions
  • Access to all Panels
  • Breakfast and Lunch
  • Cocktail Reception
  • 7.5 CE credits



May 12th
  • 海外永久免费软件加速器
  • Networking Sessions
  • Learning Sessions
  • Access to all Panels
  • Breakfast and Lunch
  • Cocktail Reception
  • 7.5 CE credits


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The New York Real Estate Summit Spring 2020 will take place for the first time in Westchester County at the bucolic Mulino’s at Lake Isle in Eastchester, New York. This beautiful, contemporary state of the art venues is the ideal setting for our day-long event. At every turn of Mulino’s at Lake Isle, you’ll find stylish decorations, sleek design, captivating lighting, and a great deal of well-appointed space.

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