

Welcome to the AJS member portal! Please be sure to update or add your information and then explore the site. In addition to joining or renewing membership, registering for the AJS Annual Conference and accessing member benefits, we invite you to submit your resume for job listings, reach out to other members via our forums, and message other members directly.

Get started by signing in on the right, or clicking "New to AJS?" if you are brand new to the AJS Community. If you have any trouble logging in, please contact Michelle Katz by email 起点鼠标自动点击器绿色版1.0_起点鼠标自动点击器下载 ...:2021-5-12 · 起点鼠标自动点击器是一个强大的鼠标连点器,它能有效的做到鼠标的连点,速度极快,最快能达到1毫秒一下,超出任何手速,轻松解放你的双手。 鼠标自动连点器使用说明: 1、选择鼠标点击类 … or phone at (917) 606-8249 for direct assistance.