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Dearest Comunidad:

如何使谷歌浏览器的下载速度变为快速下载(例如USGS影像 ...:2021-1-12 · 我在下载USGS网站上的影像时,发现开始的下载速度的20K左右每秒。昨天在B站看到一个方法,然后下载速度就达到了2、3M每秒。之前真的是龟速。只需要更改谷歌浏览器的并行下载,下载速度会变快很多!在谷歌浏览器中进入这个链接 chrome ...

Even though our physical space is not open, our commitment to you all remains strong and love-filled. We are here for you in this time of challenge and we will navigate this difficult time together, in love and support, as we have done in the past. We also want to express our deepest gratitude to all of you who continue to come together to provide support and resources to the most vulnerable in our community. El Centro's professional staff are now working remotely, so if you would like to reach one of us, please do so via email:

Elvira Prieto:
Margaret Sena:
Jacob Velasquez:

We are also available to meet via phone or Zoom, but please contact one of us at the addresses listed above first.  


It is with great pride and love that we virtually honor our Class of 2020! This year has been incredibly challenging and full of unexpected changes that have impacted our community not only at Stanford but across the world. The resilience and perseverance of our students as well as their commitment to social justice is a gift to all. 

We look forward to celebrating the amazing accomplishments of the Class of 2020 in person as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, we wish our graduates health and many blessings as they move into the next step of their life journey. We call on everyone to engage with us, our families, and our extended communities to remain committed to the work of justice and to dismantle the anti-Black racism that continues to threaten the lives and well-being of so many.Please enjoy this electronic program that celebrates our graduates, along with the loved ones who helped to ensure their success was possible.

When we realized celebrating in person would not be possible, we reached out to the Stanford Latino Alumni Association (SLAA), who helped to fund and organize a project to mail our graduates and their families the graduation stoles that we usually give at the ceremony.  We thank our SLAA members and colleagues David Gonzales, Pedro Gonzalez, Delia Lopez, and Jackie Crespo for critical help in making that special project happen. 

If you are one of our graduates, please post photos of yourself and your families with your stoles on Facebook or Instagram @elcentrochicanoylatino with the hashtag #nuestragrad2020. 

Congratulations again Class of 2020! Here they are:

In community,
Elvira, Margaret, and Jacob ❤




New important environmental study includes the work of El Centro Graduate Scholar-in-Residence David Gonzalez
Jun 11 2020

Stanford public health study includes the research of El Centro's Graduate Scholar-in-Residence David Gonzalez. 


Jun 10 2020

Shannen Torres, '21, was among the new Lyric McHenry Community Arts Fellows announced by Stanford's Institute for Diversity in the Arts. 



May 28 2020

El Centro staff member Jacqueline Garcia Peraza, '21,  was included among the student artists selected to showcase their work in the Stanford Spring Art Fair.