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Resister boys and modern girls: Academic achievement is influenced by how pupils d...

31 July 2020

Pupils’ achievements at school are often shaped by the way that they ‘act out’ specific gender roles, according to...

Lockdown learning at the Faculty: Kristi Nourie

27 July 2020

What has lockdown learning been like for students at the Faculty of Education?PhD student Kristi Nourie was supposed to be heading t...

Opening schools – and keeping them open – should be prioritised by Government,...

24 July 2020

Keeping schools open from September should be a Government priority as it manages the COVID-19 pandemic, while closures could have s...


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University of Cambridge
Primary School

Celebrating the art of the possible

University of Cambridge Primary School

The UCPS opened in Sept. 2015 as the first university training school in the country and will soon become a large 3-form entry school.

As well as striving to be a brilliant primary school, it aspires to contribute to deep professional learning through building a research-informed culture and supports Initial Teacher Education to inspire future educators.

Find out more about the University of Cambridge Primary School