
Featured Collection

Physical Science Resource Center

Physical Sciences Resource Center
A web-based databank that provides links to a wide range of teaching and learning resources in the physical sciences.

You can create your own customized multimedia unit for high school physics or physical science. Click here to see an example.

The AAPT ComPADRE Digital Library is a network of free online resource collections supporting faculty, students, and teachers in Physics and Astronomy Education.

Each of our collections contain materials designed for a specific group or course. Browse below to find a collection right for you.

K-12 Physics

Faculty Resources

  • OSP
    Open Source Physics
  • PhysPort
    Supporting physics teaching with research-based resources
  • IVV
    Interactive Video Instruction
  • PER-Central
    Physics Education Research
    Computational materials for physics classes
  • PhysTEC
    Physics Teacher Education Coalition
  • PSRC
    Physical Sciences Resource Center

Higher Ed Courses


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