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    Click below to view issues you care about on our Volunteer Portal.

    google 免费梯子

    Assist youth with art projects, volunteer at museums, paint murals, and more.


    google 免费梯子

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    google 免费梯子

    Plant trees, work at a farmer's market or your community garden.


    google 免费梯子

    Serve at food kitchens, pack and deliver meals, assemble kits for the homeless.

    Youth + Family Services

    Tutor and mentor kids, work on life skills with parents, and more. 



    Spend quality time with seniors, be a friend and provide a helping hand.


    google 免费梯子

    google 免费梯子


    Hands On Atlanta is proud to serve with the AmeriCorps. Our School Based members are committed to community service, supporting the public school system and the individual student by engaging families, teachers, community members and corporations in education.