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1200 Subjects (2010-2016)

The Human Connectome Project (HCP) has tackled one of the great scientific challenges of the 21st century: mapping the human brain, aiming to connect its structure to function and behavior.

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4 Projects, Active 2013-2020

HCP Lifespan Projects are acquiring and sharing multimodal imaging data acquired across the lifespan, in four age groups (prenatal, 0-5, 6-21, and 36-100+).

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18 Projects, Active 2017-2027

HCP Disease studies apply HCP-style data collection methods to subject cohorts at risk for, or suffering from, disorders affecting the brain.

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In Active Development

We have released and maintain a set of open-source Connectome software that supports browsing, download, exploration, visualization and analysis of HCP data. 

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HCP Development Data Release 1.0 is now available! 

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The course materials and practical sessions from the 2019 HCP Course in Portland Oregon have been posted for download.

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The final data release of new subjects includes updated diffusion data for all subjects, 46 retest datasets, and 184 7T datasets

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January 8, 2020 Update: A series of improvements and bugfixes has been released.